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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Chanhassen AutoPlex, Chanhassen MN


Chanhassen AutoPlex, Chanhassen MN

We visited the Chanhassen AutoPlex on Saturday April 30. Their featured charity partner for April is Cars Against Crime. Cars and Caves car shows run from 8:00 AM to 12:00.

From their website at

"Cars and Caves car shows are open to the public. There is no admission charge to see hundreds of cars and dozens of dream garages. Each Cars and Caves show is dedicated to a different charity and, when visitors arrive, they are invited to make a voluntary contribution directly to the charity.

Chanhassen AutoPlex owners are committed to using their car collections and garage condominiums to raise money for charity. Our events have raised over $20,000 for charities including Ronald McDonald Houses, Goodwill Easter Seals, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Chanhassen Firemen, Special Olympics Minnesota, and Bridging among others."


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