Did you get your Car "Fix" at the GSTA Car Show Sat/Sun went Saturday - well attended and lots to look at. Of course ran in to a number of the local car enthusiasts there nice to start seeing folks again!
Hopefully soon the weather will cooperate and next time will see you'all with your rides! Have a nice Easter.
Rick Meyer
April 15 to April 21 2018 - Weather co-operating
Mondays Wagner's Drive 5 pm to Dusk 694 and hwy 81 Brooklyn Park – Free -https://wagnersdrivein.com/ Great Food nice Cars
*Tuesday 7-Hi Cruisers to be announced
Wednesday 5pm at Burky’s in Cologne for more info contact the Supreme Head WAKCO BillyBob McClintick at <wmcclintick@gmail.com
Thursday Minnetonka Drive-In Mound whenever you get there to get your favorite parking spot – Good Food! http://www.minnetonkadrivein.com/
Friday ???
Sunday ???
*Note: 7-Hi Group has moved their location across 101 to Wendy’s as Burger King is no longer in business. Better selection of food at Wendy's
More to come as the weather shapes up!
Rick Meyer
Tonka Cruzers Car Club