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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Upcoming Classic Cars Shows Minneapolis MN May 2018

I need a few of Cars for Saturday May 19, in Excelsior - see list. I also am looking for a car for a wedding August 18th church to reception only let me know if interested rain or shine, preferably a 4 door.

May 14 to May 20 more shows to pick from finally! Weather should be good.
Mondays Wagner's Drive 5 pm to Dusk 694 and hwy 81 Brooklyn Park – Free - Great Food nice Cars
Tuesdays 7-Hi Cruisers 101 and Hwy 7 by Burger King around 4:30 to dusk parking lot has been cleaned
Wednesday Lookout Bar & Grill 5pm to 9pm Maple Grove MN 8672 Pineview Lane. No.
Thursday's Minnetonka Drive-In  4658 Shoreline Dr, Spring Park, MN 55384. whenever you get there to get your favorite parking spot - Good Food!
Saturday Excelsior Paint and Design 701 Hwy 7 near Car Wash / McD’s 11am to 3pm free raffle, Hot Dogs, Live Music
Saturday Anoka Classic Car 5pm to Dusk downtown Anoka 4th Ave & Van Buren Show Cars 1985 and Older $4 donation for Cars Spectators free great food and music
Sunday All Ford Car Show 9am to 1pm Apple Ford Shakopee 1624 Weston Court Hosted by Southwest Metro Mustang Club Goodie Bags Food 6th Annual $10 Car Trophies Spec Free 
Sunday All Corvette Show 11am to 2:30pm Wayzata 16200 Wayzata Blvd Door Prizes Food Hosted by Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota 32nd Annual $18 per car Spectators Free
Rick Meyer
Tonka Cruzers Car Club

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