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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Minneapolis area Collector Car Shows and Chanhassen AutoPlex Flyer


Haven’t updated my Blog in a while because the weather just doesn’t seem to be letting up on its gripe of winter, wonder what summer will bring? In most winters there are periods that warm up a couple days and the streets dry off enough to take my ’49 out for a short ride but not this winter!

Anyway there is the GSTA Rod and Custom Show April 14 and 15 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds – Free parking!

Just thought I would let you know what is coming up with the Tonka Cruzers this year.

First Thom Lofquist and I entered our Cars for the benefit of an Auction Fund Raiser for Chapel Hill Academy in Chanhassen recently and got a bid for $500 for taking the bidders to a Car Show. Also found Thom a opportunity to be a Wedding Car this summer.

As for my endeavors here is the List without dates or times which are still in the planning stage.

Chanhassen Night out on the Town – 4th year
Catholic Elder Care N.E. Mpls – 5th year
Wealshire of Bloomington Assisted Living – 4th year
Chapel Hill Academy Chanhassen – 2nd year

For those who have been a part of these shows in the past hope to see you attend these events again.

So keep checking my Blog for future updates.

Be Well hope to see you soon,
Rick Meyer
Tonka Cruzers Car Club

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