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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Seen at Minnetonka Drive In tonight

Additional Car Show Date Added for 9/7/13 during Excelsior's Apple Day!

Both events - Tonka Cruzers Car Club and Excelsior Flea Market - will operate on 9/7/13
The Tonka Cruzers Car Show will have its Excelsior Cruze-In on Excelsior's Apple Day, Sept 7. The Show Hours are 10:00am to 2:00pm!  8,000 people are expected to be in Excelsior that day for Apple Day, so plan on bringing your collector car to the car show for a choice parking spot and chance to view collector cars!  We'll also be operating the Excelsior Flea Market on September 7 as well - that is open from 9:00 to 3:00 at Water St and Lake St (10 Water Street, Excelsior MN 55331).

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Excelsior Cruze In Tonka Cruzers Car Club August 17

Thank you all for coming to my Car Show the 17th in Excelsior and over the summer - love all your cars. It is always great to see "new" Cars and Faces and talk to you about your rides!
I was only supposed to have 1 more show but have been asked to do a Show on “Apple Days” in Excelsior Sept 7th [along with the Excelsior Flea MKT]. This is a good deal for the Car Show attendees because it gives you a place to park at the show and go to the Apple Day event at which regular parking is at a premium. 
The time at the Sept 7th show will be 10 to 2instead of 9 to 12 by request from the City. So come show off your rides and wander through Excelsior for the festivities!
Don't forget the Aug 31st Show at the regular time of 9 to 12.
Rick Meyer
Tonka Cruzers Car Club - Excelsior
PS Check photos of your cars on the latest Blog update plus sites for the events in Excelsior


Friday, August 16, 2013

Excelsior Cruze In tomorrow, 8/17/13

Come on over to the Excelsior Cruze In sponsored by Tonka Cruzers Car Club. Vintage cars on display from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm tomorrow, 8/17/13 at 440 Water St., Excelsior, MN 55331. We also have the Excelsior Flea Market open, down Water Street a few blocks by Lake Minnetonka (open from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm).